Who Is MÅS?


Yes, as you may have figured out, Mås is an abbreviation of my name Mikael Åsberg.

In my logo, a seagull spreads its protective wings like a mantle over me. In English, the translation of Mås is seagull.

I am a native of Vänersborg from the late 60's, I live with my family in a villa close to nature.
Basically, I'm a trained construction worker. As a hobby, I have always been interested of carpentry and the fascination of wood crafts have more or less always attracted me over the years.


My Music History

I started playing guitar when I was 15 years old. After a summer job with lawn mowing, painting and miscellaneous chores under municipal auspices, I bought an electric plank from a mail order company. Then my musical career began at a fast pace, I wanted to become a rock star. After a few years of bending and prying strings, it was time to start playing with a band. The group I was part of was called White Cat and we mostly played our own hard rock material. We lasted a few years and rehearsed and had half a dozen gigs in different places. The biggest we were was at a rock band competition in Borås where we came 2nd out of about 10 bands. After the competition, we had the opportunity to record a single that was released in as many as 200 copies. When we released the record, we started pulling in different directions and the band split. I never found any like-minded people to play with again and my self-confidence dropped to zero. My poodle permanent hair became shorter and straighter, it later disappeared completely without a trace at a later time. I wanted some new challenges so all guitars with div. equipment was sold and I went to the forest with a camera over my shoulder.


White Cat before their first gig at a private party.

We're talking about the mid 80's here !!

What Hapend Next

What happened was that I was completely engrossed in nature photography for a decade. In the summer of 2003, a workhorse asked for advice when he was going to buy a guitar, because I had talked about my previous interest in gambling. When we went into a music store, it said click in my brain, I wanted a gura. I bought a Fenderstrata, because I had never owned one and a digital machine with sound. Now it is the case that I also have some crazy ideas from time to time so I got the brilliant idea - I will build my own. I started reading lice on the Internet and bought book after book on the subject and here I am today. As I see it at the time of writing (Nov-06), I am at the start of a big and fantastic work that I am passionate about and will develop in the same spirit as anything else I have done before.


Mikael Åsberg
